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We are
Tali & Tal.
Together ;

A boutique
design house
for exhibition stands,
driven by passion.

What We Do

We Design Exhibition Stands<br
/> That %%Stick%% to Your Memory.

Concept | Design | Production | Supervision | Installation

We are personally dedicated.

Small teams, great efficiency. We never take on more than we can handle so that our clients always have our full attention. We really listen to our clients to fully understand what the company is about, their products, goals and wishes.


We Go the Extra Mile.

We understand that you need this done yesterday. Our team can show you on-time results without waiting long days or weeks by simply sharing a screen and showing you the design on a 3d model. That's how far we go!


Because Details are Important.

We care for every single one of our projects. Our love and understanding of details while never losing sight of the bigger picture is projected in the final results. We know just the right furniture piece that’s needed to create the perfect balance between functions & aesthetics.


Take a Look at Our Portfolio

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